Montreal Zombie Walk …. grrr… arrrggg

montreal walking dead

It’s that time of the year… the Zombie Walk invaded the streets of Montreal.  The walk has grown quite a bit in the last few years, from a handful of walking dead 3 or so  years ago to over 2000 (by my estimates) this year.  Was amazing to see how people go all out for the event.  Many more kids this year than in the year’s past.

Props to the organizers for keeping things rolling so well, and having a tent setup for some gruesome makeup if you didn’t come prepared (for $15 which is pretty cheap considering what they did).  And the zombies are really cool with their posing and staying in character for the entire walk.

While it’s great to see things grow, the main issue I had was that there seemed to be more people with cameras than actual zombies.  So getting some decent shots was hard.  I worked around this by getting there a few hours early to get images as people arrived, before the place got packed (which didn’t take time) and before they got tired of posing.

I had another shoot to go to in the early evening so didn’t stay for the actual walk.  From the images I saw, seemed more like a living dead parade than a hoard of zombies invading the streets.

Here are my top 30 or so images.  I have over 100, I’ll post up the full series on my Facebook page in a day or so. 🙂




montreal walking dead zipper

montreal walking dead slave

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead cell phone

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead model

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead


montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead snow white blanche neige

montreal walking dead clown

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead smoking

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead

montreal walking dead





montreal walking dead


montreal walking dead construction


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