Three Days Grace | Place Bell | Montreal Concert Photographer

matt walst of three days grace on stage in laval

There is one thing that is a sure bet in live music… you know you are going to get a kick ass rock show when Three Days Grace take the stage. The band has so many hits they hold the Billboard record for most #1 mainstream rock songs. Not too bad for a bad out of Norwood, Ontario.

3DG were headlining a great bill at Place Bell in Laval in late November, with The Standstills and The Warning warming up the crowd.

The light was pretty harsh, as there seemed to be a 1-2 stop brighter follow spot on singer Matt Walst, making getting even exposure a bit tricky. I love to try and get the entire band in a single frame, which can be difficult with Three Days Grace as they tend to move quite a bit. And with ever changing lights, seeing everyone isn’t always possible.

Three days grace on stage at place bell during their concert in laval

The photography pit was also a little tighter than usual. With 2 openers, some photographers bypass the traditional route to get a photo pass and ask the bands directly, making the total number more than usual. The more the merrier.

I was covering the show for Montreal’s home of rock and roll, CHOM 97.7 and iHeartRadioCA.