Wine masterclass @ the Ritz | Montreal Event Photographer

What a great opportunity to be asked to photograph a wine masterclass given by two of the big names in the wine industry: renowned wine maker Gérard Bertrand and world’s top sommelier Andreas Larsson.

No wonder 150 people filled the main ballroom at the Ritz Carlton in Montréal for the almost 2 hours of tasting and tales. One of the more difficult things to listen to is all the various food pairings that Andreas (who is also an amazing chef) recommended for each of the types of wine, made my stomach growl a few times.

The event came with its challenges. From the purple hued lights on stage, to the size of the room but having limited access so as not to disturb the attendees. What was easy were the smiles and beauty of the room.

Below a selection of images of the masterclass portion of the day.