Discovering Montreal – Festival Chromatic | Montreal Event Photographer


Montreal is known as an artsy city.  Painters, musicians, jewelers and artists of all shapes and disciplines flock to the city for it’s bohemian vibe.  I have an ongoing photo contract with the City of Montreal’s Service de la culture where they send me to various corners of the city to document what makes the city unique.  From the urban cabane a sucre, Montreal en lumiere, I get to discover community focused events.

This past weekend, I was asked to photograph the Festival Chromatic that was going on at the belvedere of Mont-Royal.  The belvedere is a somewhat heavy tourist spot, and also well loved by photographers, for it’s amazing view of downtown.  The Chromatic festival kicked off a few days ago and lasts about a week, with various activities for people of all ages.

Sunday, under a beautiful and hot sun, it was the Chromatic Junior, a day dedicated to kids.  It had a great mix of interactive installations, from digital focused things such as a DJ booth and a virtual reality game, to more traditional activities like playing with giant dominos and colouring on the concrete.

If you haven’t checked out the festival, it runs from the 22nd to the 26th of may at the chalet du Mont-Royal and they have a block party on Saturday the 30th, so you still have time to soak in some fun art.  HERE is a listing of their events.

Feel free check out some of my other shoots at Montreal en lumiere, Party de Bucherons and the opening of the Saul Bellow library.

And here are just a couple of photos from Sunday 🙂

Big props to my lovely assistant (and girlfriend 🙂 ) Danielle for helping me out to get the best coverage of the day. 🙂










mont-royal belvedere montreal